Marex is a premium class boat manufacturer from Norway, which has been nurturing deep sailing traditions for more than four decades. It is one of the most recognized manufacturers in Europe, having won many titles and awards in the international arena for modern boat design solutions, durability and craftsmanship.
The Marex brand is taking solid steps in digitization processes - improving both internal and external channels. We are glad that we could contribute to the creation of long-term and sustainable solutions: a website and an e-commerce platform.
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During our long-term partnership, we worked on several major projects. First of all, we created a new image of Marex in the digital space and the UX/UI design of the website. This is a place where you can familiarize yourself with the Marex brand, find detailed information about boats of interest, ongoing exhibitions, the distributor network and many other valuable information. We also created a UX/UI design solution for the Marex e-commerce platform for the commerce of other Marex products for end users and the global distributor network.
The Marex website is the most important channel of communication with potential customers and information about boats, which has a huge influence on the process of acquiring a new boat. A balanced design solution, integration of new functionalities and other innovations were necessary in order to create a sustainable and long-term solution.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est nibh, fermentum sit amet libero vitae, aliquam dignissim dolor. Morbi commodo arcu velit, nec tempus ligula dictum sagittis.
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Nulla et ligula risus. Donec suscipit, massa et porta faucibus, sem nisl gravida lacus, sit amet accumsan purus lorem vitae dolor. Sed porttitor mauris at dolor feugiat, et consectetur justo faucibus. Aenean viverra elit enim.
This e-commerce platform is dedicated to the sale of Marex clothing line, accessories, boat parts and other marine products and the worldwide network of Marex distributors.
Our work is our passion. We often like to look at each project through the prism of interesting facts and figures.
days to implement the project
client and our team members involved in the project
UX/UI design prototypes
number of photos processed